Help Your Employees Save Money While Improving Their Health and Well-being
Have you ever wanted to be in control of your health costs? Now with London’s wellness incentive accounts, you can control the risk of your health plan, improve the health of your employees, and decrease your benefit premium costs.
Our program allows you to be in complete control of the amounts you are reimbursing and the healthy activities your employees must complete to earn your reimbursement dollars. You can pair your wellness incentive funds to an HRA, HSA, FSA, and other tax-free accounts. The end results are your health plan costs will decrease for the short-term and long-term while not comprising the quality of your health plan.
Perks of the Plan
- Improves employee health and allows you to maintain rich benefits plan.
- Increase employees’ production, lowers risk of health plan, and decreases costs for employer.
- Multiple payment options—claim feed from carrier, debit card, online portal, mobile application, email, fax, and mail.
- Flexible plan design—ability to allow benefits to rollover or only be used for specific expenses.
- Customize setup—employer can customize benefit amounts and healthy activities based on population’s health risks.