Help Your Employees With a Long-term, Tax-free Benefit Solution
Instead of providing a standard health insurance plan and changing deductibles and copays each year; VEBAs are accounts that put more control in the employer and employees’ hands. VEBAs are tax-free benefit accounts funded by the employer to be used by the employee for qualified expenses.
One of the most unique components of VEBAs is that the unused employer contributions can be rolled over from year to year and can be invested to earn tax-free interest. Because of this VEBAs can be used to help enrollees pay for their health care expenses in the short-term but also into retirement.
Perks of the Plan
- Long-term advantages—employer contributions can be rolled over and invested by the member.
- Short-term advantages—accountholder can use funds for all IRS qualified health care expenses tax-free.
- Multiple payment options—claim feed from carrier, debit card, online portal, mobile application, email, fax, and mail.
- Decreases health care costs and taxes for employer and employee.